Dear Friends of Faith Des Peres,

At our house we’re getting into “back to school” mode. Tommy started band camp this week, Henry is thinking about packing for school, and Julia and Charlotte have “meet the teacher night” next week. It’s hard to believe school is already here. It’s cliché to say but true – where did the summer go?

 Back to school also means things are starting to kick-in here. We’ll bless the backpacks of returning students on August 14 at church in the park.  Last year the weather was cool but the reception was warm, so I hope you’ll be there.  Lions Pavilion is covered, close to parking, and close to an awesome playground.  RSVP! We need to know how many burgers and hot dogs to get.  (You provide the side dish, salad, or dessert.)

 On August 21, Disciples Gathering begins. This is our Sunday School class for kindergarten-6th grade. It takes place during church at 10:00 am (10:30 starting 9/11). PALS kicks-off in September. You can read about that below.

 This Sunday, we’re at the Old Church on Geyer Road. We have a new AC unit so it should be cool in there. Parking is on the street. Afterwards, we’ll come back here for our final Living Creation gathering with a potluck. Bring something fresh from you garden or something you would make if you had a garden! It’s informal; no need to RSVP.

 And last, think about someone you could invite to church. At this time of year people are looking to get back into a routine, and for some that means church. Who from a class you take, or someone from your kid’s school, can you invite? Everything begins with a simple invitation.


