Want to learn more about the music of Christmas?  On Sunday, Dec. 7 our music director, Gay Spears, will use our new hymnbook as the foundation for her discussion – “Something Old, Something New.”  As the topic suggests, Gay will share information about  songs of the season and offer some background about hymns that have endured over the years and new ones that are becoming a part of Advent and Christmas.   She will also provide a sneak peek at the music for the rest of the season, including the annual lessons and carols service, and let us “in” on who some special guest musicians are that we can look forward to joining us for worship in the coming weeks.

Plan to join the ADG at 9:15 a.m. , Sunday, Dec. 7 for an interesting and inspirational discussion, warm coffee and Christmas cookies.  And while you’re marking your calendar for December please add the 2015 ADG gathering dates at the same time.

  •    Jan. 11, 18 and 25 at noon – Book study of The Power of Parable: How Fiction by Jesus Became Fiction about Jesus, led by Ron Scott
  • Feb. 8, 9:15 a.m. – A discussion about Lent, led by Pastor Annie Epling 
  •    March 8 and 15 at noon – A book review/discussion, led by Barbara Wright (book to  be announced later)
  •     April 19, 9:15 a.m. – Discussion led by Dorcas Case (topic to be announced   later.
  •     May 10, 9:15 a.m. – Wrap-up/Evaluation of the year and 2015-2016 planning

ADG Book Study
This year’s ADG book study is scheduled for January 11th, 18th and 25th, and again will take place after church with lunch at noon and the class beginning at 12:30.  This year’s book is The Power of Parable: How Fiction by Jesus Became Fiction about Jesus, by John Dominic Crossan. Jesus’ parables provide some of the most interesting, and at times provocative, parts of the Gospels.  Crossan offers ways to understand these stories by Jesus.  But he goes further, suggesting that many of the stories the Gospel writers told about Jesus can also be understood as parable, opening up a fascinating new way to understand Jesus and his work.The Power of Parable is easy to read and, at about 250 pages, just the right length for our three-week study.  The books are available from Amazon in paperback ($10.68), and Kindle ($9.78), or you can see Barb Abbett if you would like to get your copy from the church.
