“Seeing Ourselves in Those Who Confronted Jesus”
Wednesday Night Lent Forum
March 19-April 9, 6:15-7:15 pm
Join us on Wednesdays in Lent for a special class taught by Annie Epling. Sometimes we just can’t know what’s going on or what’s coming next. God doesn't guarantee any future circumstances or uninterrupted prosperity, but we can trust that God will be with us through whatever circumstances we face and that God will work with us to make the best result out of even the most hopeless of places.We will be challenged to consider who in the twenty-first-century church is like the members of these groups. Each study comes with a Participant Handout that will be e-mailed to you in advance. You do not need to attend all 5 classes to participate. Sign up in the Gathering Space or e-mail Pastor Annie at pastor@faithdesperes.org.