Needed: Easter Egg Hunt Coordinator 
We’re in need of someone to coordinate the Easter Egg Hunt normally held the day before Easter at the old stone church at 11:00 am.  This job takes 2-3 hours to complete, including time on the day of the hunt.  The coordinator needs to seek volunteers who are willing to donate candy, stuff plastic eggs, and/or hide eggs.  The Easter egg hunt is a community-wide event that attracts about 100 people.  If you are willing to coordinate this event, please contact AnnieThank you.

Easter Flowers
Again this year, we will decorate the Sanctuary with a variety of blooming flowers (6” pots). Cost per plant will be $10. Sign up online or email Marie in the office. Please designate if the flowers are being given in honor of or memory of loved ones. Mail or drop your checks made payable to Faith Des Peres (note that the funds are for Easter Flowers) in the offertory plate.

Choir Cantata During Worship Sunday, April 6
The choir will present a Lenten cantata during worship on April 6.  The cantata, entitled In My Place: Remembering Christ's Sacrifice of Love, reminds us that Christ bore the sins of all human beings. Words of scripture and the words that might have been spoken by Judas, Peter, and others will be read. Some familiar Lenten hymns and beautiful newer songs will be presented during the cantata. Cathy Woelbling-Paul, who was part of the woodwind quartet during Advent, will add a special dimension to the music, accompanying on the oboe. Please join us for this service of Word, music, and Communion. 
