Time is Running Out to Order Easter Flowers!
Again this year, we will decorate the Sanctuary with a variety of blooming flowers (6” pots). Cost per plant will be $10. See the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Space to place your order, or sign-up on the church website. Please designate if the flowers are being given in honor of or memory of loved ones. Make checks payable to Faith Des Peres and note that the funds are for Easter Flowers. Thank you.
Janet Boyer Music Fund
Janet Boyer was a longtime member of Faith Des Peres, an accomplished musician, and founder of Music Folk in Webster Groves. A fund established in her memory is dedicated to providing monetary resources above and beyond the normal budget for music at Faith Des Peres. For examples, the fund paid for our electric keyboard which we use weekly in rehearsals and in services, and it will help pay for the guest musicians whose talents we enjoy during Lent and Easter. If you would like to contribute, please make your check payable to Faith Des Peres and note "Janet Boyer Fund," or donate online. Thank you to all our generous donors for your support of the music ministry at Faith Des Peres. --The Worship Arts Committee
It’s Tea Time! May 3, 2-4pm
The Presbyterian Women’s annual Tea will be held on Saturday, May 3rd from 2-4pm at Pastor Annie’s house. All women and girls are welcome. Please email the church office at adminasst@faithdesperes.org with your reservation by May 1st. If you are able to provide finger sandwiches, tea breads or cookies, etc. for the tea, please indicate that on the sign-up sheet or email Marie at adminasst@faithdesperes.org. Thank you!
Spring Evening Event at Franciscan Sisters in Kirkwood, April 29
The Kirkwood Franciscan Sisters invite you to their 2014 Spring Evening Event on Tuesday, April 29th, 7:00pm. Brigitte Zettl, lead grower for Crown Valley Organics, will be the keynote speaker for the feature presentation, “All About Organic Gardening.” This event is free and open to the public, but you must register at ffesignup@fsolph.org or call 314-965-3700.