Feeding the Flock, June 1
The children of FDP will be gathering non-perishable food items for Circle of Concern. Current needs for Feeding the Flock are posted in the Gathering Space weekly and now include: peanut butter, jelly, cereal, tomato products (whole, sauce, diced), canned pasta, toilet paper. Any donations are welcome! Drop off items any time in the wagons in the closet between the Gathering Space and the Sanctuary.
It's Not Too Late to be Part of the FDP Dream!
If you have not had a chance to turn in your pledge cards for the Dare to Dream for Today and Tomorrow campaigns, there's still time. On Sunday we'll celebrate the success of the campaigns when we gather on the lawn after church for an ice cream social. We're getting very close to 100 percent participation in the annual stewardship campaign, and pledges to the 3-year Gathering Space loan reduction campaign have been extremely generous. There's still time to mail your pledge cards, drop them by the church or bring them with you Sunday morning. And be sure to join us for ice cream, cupcakes and other goodies after church. (Donations of cupcakes will be appreciated. Email Terry Baker (terrylvb@live.com) to let her know you will bring a dozen cupcakes to church that morning.) Thank you so, so much for your pledges and for all you do for Faith Des Peres!
Pentecost and Annual Meeting of the Congregation, June 8
The Annual Meeting of the congregation will take place on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th, after worship. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend.