Rally Day—Sunday, September 7th!
Rally Day is a time to gather and catch up after a fun-filled summer. Plan to join us as we kick-off our Sunday School and Adult Discussion Group for the fall. Rather than asking everyone to bring food, we’ve enlisted the help of Chris’ Cakes who will provide a delicious pancake breakfast for a nominal fee ($5/person ages 6 and up). We’re also trying to secure a bounce house (as of time of printing, this hasn’t been confirmed), AND we’ll have the Jim Dandy’s Dixieland Group performing… so JOIN US!! All are welcome—bring friends and family—but we need a headcount for breakfast, so please register by Sunday, August 31st. Registration for breakfast is in the Gathering Space and online. Payment in advance is encouraged (checks with memo “Rally Day”) or you can pay at the door.
Congratulations, Danny and Kenny!
Please extend your congratulations to Danny Mortimer and Kenny Landers as they were joined in marriage on August 9. We thank God for their love and we pray for peace, contentment and joy as they begin their lives together.
Rally Day Music will begin at 10:15am!
The Jim Dandy’s will start playing at 10:15 am, so plan to get here EARLY on September 7th so you don’t miss anything!
Thank you for Donating to the School Supply Drive!
Our donations were greatly appreciated by the Circle of Concern. These supplies will help children who would otherwise struggle have a better start to their school year. Thank you for your support!
Work Day Results
Thanks to everyone who came out on the 9th to help clean up and organize some of our spaces! The goal was to make the spaces more functional for John Paul II school and for other groups, including ours, which use them throughout the year. One of our outside groups replaced the worn carpeting in the Adult Conference Room on Friday and we reorganized the furniture in that room. We cleaned out and organized the toys in the nursery, and we did the same for all of the items in the upper balcony room. That balcony room will be used as additional classroom space for the school. Please take a few moments to look around and enjoy some of the spaces.
New PW Bible Study Beginning August 27th
Join us for a new Presbyterian Women’s study based on the book of 2 Corinthians entitled, “Reconciling Paul,” by Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty. Our first meeting will be Wednesday, August 27th at 9:30am, led by Joanna Gerst. We’d love to see you, so register and pick up a book in the Gathering Space.
Directory Update
Please let the church office know if any of your contact information has changed since the last directory update in September of 2013. A new directory should be distributed in the fall.
Facebook Update
Facebook is a “social media tool.” In our case, we use it to promote the events, the studies, the opportunity for fellowship here at FDP. In a way, you might consider it a “mission tool” in that we’re trying to spread the Good News and invite people into a relationship with Jesus Christ. When we invite people to Faith Des Peres via postcards, word of mouth, an outdoor sign, or even Facebook, we’re inviting them to come … to see … to hear the Word … to attend … to participate. Hopefully, through an event like a Bible study, worship at the Old Church or a float trip, we may reach one more person with the love of God we see in Jesus Christ. We see a lot of “likes” on our Facebook page, and that’s great! But better yet, please SHARE something that you like—SHARE it to your timeline so others that may not normally hear the Word of God have that opportunity. Be courageous about your faith and also INVITE your friends to “like” our page. If you don’t know how to “like,” “share” or “invite friends” on Facebook, ask Marie in the church office. Thank you.