Sunday School Start Next Sunday (September 7)!
Sunday School starts next Sunday following a special Time with Children in worship. During the month of September the children will learn about the Sacrament of Communion. They will also make something special for our World Communion Celebration on October 5. Join the fun and invite your friends!
Feeding the Flock Next Sunday (September 7)!
It’s the first Sunday of the month which means the kids will pull the wagon and collect food for Circle of Concern during the offering time. September is Hunger Awareness Month, and it’s also the month their cupboards are the most bare. So please bring your canned goods, peanut butter, cereal, and toilet paper next Sunday. Thank you.
Do You Like Kids?
If so, we need some extra hands to help in Sunday School in October. You do not need experience in teaching, nor a mastery of the Bible, to teach Sunday School. You do need a desire to serve children, God and the church through this important ministry. If you would like to teach, or are curious about it, please talk to Annie. Thank you.
Adult Discussion Group, Sunday, September 14, 9:15am
Join the Adult Discussion Group for their first meeting of the year. Rev. Terry Epling, Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, will lead the discussion on the actions the General Assembly took in June in Detroit. You’ve read in the news what happened, so come with your questions and thoughts.
A Place in the Choir
The choir will resume rehearsing for our role as worship leaders on September 3 at 7:15 p.m. The choir will explore a wide variety of music this year, including settings of beloved scriptural texts and hymn texts, spirituals and gospel songs, pieces by classical composers, contemporary Christian songs arranged for choir, and more! Plans for an Advent cantata are in the making, and we anticipate that several guest musicians will join us in worship this fall. The choir would gladly welcome anyone who would like to join. You do not need to read music to participate. Just come to rehearsal on September 3 or any Wednesday following if you would like be a part of this dedicated, fun group.
Save the Date!!
The Presbyterian Women have reserved Saturday, November 1, 9am-4pm, at Mercy Center for the day and time of their annual women’s retreat. This is for all women of all ages. More information to follow.
About the Music
In a survey taken a couple of years ago, the congregation reported its favorite hymns. We are singing two of those today (Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee and Fairest Lord Jesus). Some of the other favorites were Morning Has Broken, How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace (all of which we have sung recently!) and Just a Closer Walk with Thee (which we will sing next week with the Jim Dandy's band).
The Adventures of Flat Jesus
It’s not too late to submit your pictures of Flat Jesus. We love seeing where he has been this summer! You can still e-mail them to We’ll get them online.