Adult Discussion Group, Sunday, September 14, 9:15am
Join the Adult Discussion Group for their first meeting of the year.  Rev. Terry Epling, Stated Clerk of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy, will lead the discussion on the actions the General Assembly took in June in Detroit.  You’ve read in the news what happened, so come with your questions and thoughts.

Peace in Motion Tai Chi Classes

Peace in Motion tai chi classes are beginning for the fall semester! Please make note of the new start date!  Classes begin Monday 9/22 at 5:30 pm in the Gathering Space.  The classes are just $5/person, pay as you go.  Tai Chi is a beautiful mind/body/spirit workout that has been proven to reduce blood pressure, improve balance, improve immune function, improve mood, and much more!  Join us Monday evenings to let go and let God!  For questions or information, call instructor Susan Marting 314-609-9091.

Save the Date!!
The Presbyterian Women have reserved Saturday, November 1, 9am-4pm, at Mercy Center for the day and time of their annual women’s retreat.  This is for all women of all ages.  More information to follow. 

A Place in the Choir
The choir will continue rehearsing for our role as worship leaders on September 10 at 7:15 p.m. The choir would gladly welcome anyone who would like to join. You do not need to read music to participate. Just come to rehearsal on September 10 or any Wednesday following if you would like be a part of this dedicated, fun group. The choir will be leading in worship beginning September 14. We look forward to sharing a wide variety of music with you this year. 
