VISION 20/20 is being launched by the Session, with guidance from an outside consultant, to look at what kind of church we want to be and what path we have to take to get there.  The purpose is to engage all of us in talking about our dreams and aspirations for the church, and how these dreams and aspirations can come to fruition to support our mission identity, help us grow spiritually and numerically, and lead us to be a faithful church.  This process will draw on the participation of all, both members and friends, to bring everything together into a focused plan. 

Over the next few weeks, the Session will be in conversation about aligning Faith Des Peres’ vision, mission and values.  On Saturday, Jan. 24 members of the church’s committees are being encouraged to join the Session and the consultant in a 9 a.m. to noon workshop to set the direction for VISION 20/20.  Other interested members and friends also are welcome to attend this workshop.  Then on Sunday, Feb. 8 all members are invited (and encouraged) to attend a two-hour dialogue following the worship service.  This noon to 2 p.m. “pot luck lunch” will provide an opportunity for sharing our thoughts and responding to the early visioning work.

Please plan now to set aside time on Feb. 8 and also on Jan. 24 to be a part of VISION 20/20 – looking at the future of the church and the church of the future.  If you have any questions about this process, please speak with Annie or a member of the Session.
