7th Annual Fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner Saturday February 21
The Rockhaven Ecozoic Center  is holding a fundraising dinner at Grace Episcopal Church, 514 E. Argonne, Kirkwood on Saturday, February 21 5:30pm -8:30 pm. Rockhaven provides the speakers for our Women’s Retreats. Tickets $15 ($20 at the door) Tickets can also be purchased at Tau Center (314-965-3700) 335 S. Kirkwood Rd.63122. Make the checks out to Rockhaven. For more information call 636-575-5671 or www.rockhavencenter.org.

2015 Presbytery History Team Tour
An Underground Railroad tour in Missouri and Illinois is presented by the History Team of the Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy on Friday, March 20, 2015. The cost is $51.00. Lunch is at your own expense at Fast Eddie's in Alton, IL.  For reservations call Betsy Stoll at 314-821-0533.

Summer Camp 2015
Mound Ridge Camp and Retreat Center is pleased to announce that their 2015 Summer Program dates are now available on the new moundridge.org site. Camp is held the first 3 weeks in June. Full details about the camps can be found on their website. Spaces are limited. Registration deadline is June 1.
