Trout Lodge Deadline is Today!
The deadline to reserve your room(s) for the annual all-church Trout Lodge weekend (April 24-26) is today Friday, January 30.  To reserve your room, you need to call Trout Lodge directly at 314-241-9622.  Tell them you're with the Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church group.

Room rates are $178 per couple, per night.  Loft rooms are $20 extra. 

Each family is allowed 2 free children (ages 6-12).  Additional children are $29/night.  Children 5 and under are free.  Anyone 13 and over is considered an adult. All prices include the cost of meals and many activities. 

For additional information, please contact Trout Lodge or Terry Baker at

Your "20/20 Vision" Needed on Feb. 8
For the past few weeks, you have been reading about Vision 20/20, undertaken by the Session to look at what kind of church we want to be and what path we have to take to get there.  We have had three very good and productive working meetings with our consultant and now want to share with all of you the work that has been accomplished thus far and ask for your help in moving to the next level.  Our consultant, Gayle Engle, will be with us on Feb. 8 to continue facilitating our work. 

 A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Gathering Space for everyone (members and friends alike) to sign up to attend the "pot luck lunch" on Sunday, Feb. 8, noon to 2 p.m., with lunch beginning immediately after the worship service.  Please indicate how many members of your family will be there and what you will bring for the lunch.  Beverages will be provided. Childcare will also be provided. 

 We hope you will join us for this exciting meeting as we talk about how our dreams and aspirations for the church can come to fruition to support our mission identity, help us grow spiritually and numerically and lead us to be a faithful church.  

Men’s Group
Joe Marting is gathering the men of the church for lunch and fellowship on Tuesday, February 3 at 11:30am at J. Greene’s on Manchester Rd. in Warson Woods.  Please call Joe by noon on Monday if you’re going, and he’ll make a group reservation for lunch.  Joe can be reached at 314-894-9051.

Lent 2015 Give Up, Take Up, Lift Up, Look Up
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, and the Worship Arts Committee hopes you’ll join us for a potluck dinner and worship service in the Gathering Space on Wednesday, February 18, at 7:00 pm.  All ages are welcome at this informal service that will get us thinking and talking about how we can deepen our faith this Lent.  Please sign-up in the Gathering Space and let us know if you’re coming. 

Communion Table Flowers
Registration for communion table flowers is available in the Gathering Space. Please indicate how you would like the dedication in the bulletin to read. Yolanda will send an email a few days ahead of your scheduled date to remind you to bring flowers. Thank you for adorning the table!

The Adult Discussion Group will present a book study on Falling Upward, A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life by Richard Rohr on Sunday March 8 and Sunday March 15 at 12 noon in the Gathering Space. The discussion will be led by Barbara Wright.

Richard Rohr is an internationally known speaker, author, retreat leader and the founder of The Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, NM.  In this book he suggests that in the first half of life we are primarily concerned with issues of identity, achieving and performing.  As we grow older, he notes, we embark on a further journey which seems to result in our falling down, but can lead to the spiritual joys of the second half of life. 

Falling Upward, A Spirituality for the Two Halves of Life can be purchased on Amazon or at local book stores.  If preferred, the book can be ordered through Barbara Wright. 
