Dear Faith Des Peres Family,
I hope you all are staying safe and warm during this cold spell. It’s freezing out there! In this issue of the Commonplace Blog you’ll see many new announcements. There’s something for everyone – Trout Lodge (our 17th or 18th year!), Food Outreach, the upcoming book study . . . and that’s only a few things on the horizon. I hope you can join us for any or all of these events.
Also in this issue, you’ll read about a visioning process the Session is embarking on. With a new year comes new energy and new ideas about what is ahead. We’re calling it “Vision 20/20”. Vision 20/20 is about drawing on our strengths as a congregation, which are many, and aligning those strengths with a vision, a mission, core values, and goals we want to accomplish in the next 3-5 years. There are opportunities for you to be heard throughout the process, so please make note of the church-wide gatherings and attend if you can. As we seek to discern our vision, mission, core values, and goals, your input is vital.
It may still be cold on Sunday, but it will be warm in the sanctuary. I hope to see you in church.