Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

There’s so much happening this Sunday I don’t even know where to begin.  But it’s all good!  So I’ll just dive right in . . .

·         Kids, wear your costumes to church!

·         Parents, bring any extra candy for Feeding the Flock/Circle of Concern before you eat it             all!

·         We’ll celebrate Samantha and David’s wedding after church with – what else – cake!  
         (Because that’s what everyone needs the day after Halloween.)

·         We’ll celebrate the saints of the church and the saints of our lives since it’s All Saints’ Day.

·         We’ll send off the scarves in style.  Hint hint, this involves YOU.

·         At 3:00, we’ll gather for our second Sacred Conversations on Race.  Missed the first one?  
       Don’t worry.  You can jump right in at any time.


It’s a good thing we all get an extra hour of sleep.  No excuses to miss this Sunday.  And why would you want to?!



PS: Invite someone to join you!
