Happy New Year! 2016 is upon us, and we have some faith formation offerings coming up this year that I want to tell you about.

The first is the women's retreat on Saturday, January 9.  This year we're having it at the church and providing childcare.  Cost is only $25 which includes lunch, and the speaker is sure to please and will help you focus on what matters in your life this year. You can sign-up by emailing the office at adminasst@faithdesperes.org. We need your RSVP by January 6.

On January 10, the annual book study begins.  More information is below, but this is always a great class that will get you thinking.  I hope you can join us after church.

On Saturday, February 6, we're hosting an introductory workshop on centering prayer.  You can find more information here.  Jim Gerst attended this workshop last Fall and can tell you all about. We're excited about offering this for you just before Lent begins.

And last but not least, I've always been interested in starting a book group -- something informal that would meet once a quarter or so.  I'm thinking we'd read books by people like Anne Lamott, Barbara Brown Taylor, or Nadia Bolz Weber, so nothing too heavy.  If this is something that interests you let me know (email or in person).  

On Sunday we'll celebrate Epiphany which concludes the Christmas season.  We'll focus on new beginnings and the new year.

I hope to see you Sunday.


