This Sunday Joe Marting is preaching while I take a few days vacation. I hope you’ll be here to welcome Joe and hear his message! He always has something great to say.
Lent begins on Wednesday with our Ash Wednesday worship service at 7:00 pm. Please note there will NOT be a potluck meal with it as previously planned. All you need to do is come! The service will be reflective in nature, the choir will sing, and we will burn last year’s palms from the Palm Sunday service and make the sign of the cross with ashes on our foreheads. I hope you can join us.
On Sunday, February 22, we’ll begin the Lent sermon series “Give Up, Take Up, Lift Up, Look Up”. For the 22nd, the Worship Arts Committee would like each of you to bring something to church that symbolizes something you have a hard time giving up. This could be your car keys (to symbolize your car), a picture of your family, a memento from a vacation . . .you get the idea. Please place your item on the communion table before worship.
Last, don’t forget the chili cook-off on February 20. There’s information about that later in the blog. It should be fun!