This Sunday after church we’ll gather for a potluck lunch and discussion around our Vision 20/20 process. The session and committee leaders have had 3 meetings thus far with our consultant, Gayle Engle. We’ve been drafting a vision, mission and values for the church, and we’re excited to see what happens on Sunday when we gather the larger community together. I’ve been very encouraged by the conversation at the meetings and the energy and vitality people are feeling about the church. If you haven’t yet RSVP’d, there still time to do so. Just send me an email. (And please don’t forget to bring a dish for the potluck portion of the gathering!)
Coincidentally, in worship we’ll look at the story from Mark about healing Simon’s mother-in-law. For those of you at church last week, you might remember I talked about how Jesus (according to Mark’s gospel) has come to free us from all the forces that keep us from the abundant life God wants us to have. But what are we freed for? What is that abundant life God has in mind for us? And drilling down a little further, how can we push the boundaries to really live into that life? That’s what we’ll talk about Sunday.
I hope to see you in church!