Volunteers still needed for Food Outreach Saturday, March 21 at 8:00 am
We are still looking for more volunteers for food packing at Food Outreach this Saturday. We are hoping to have 15 to 20 people. The address for Food Outreach is 3117 Olive St. St. Louis 63103. Please contact Erica Abbett at eabbett@sbcglobal.net if you can help this Saturday. Thank you.
A brass quartet, beautiful flowers, and inspiring message – what’s not to love about Easter? Whether you come to church every Sunday or only sporadically, we invite you to join us on Easter at 10:30 am. Need a little hope and joy in your life? Find it here! We want to see you, your family and friends on Easter. All are welcome!
Maundy Thursday, April 2, 7:00 pm
Do you want to make your Easter more meaningful? We encourage everyone to attend this year’s Maundy Thursday service. Held in the Gathering Space, we’ll take part in what is known as an agape meal. The service will begin with a simple dinner (provided for you), and then we’ll move into communion, the reading of the Passion story, and sing “Were You There”. This service is appropriate for all ages. We need to know if you’re coming, so please email Yolanda at adminasst@faithdesperes.org, text Annie, post to Facebook, or do it the old-fashioned way by calling (432-8029) or signing up in the Gathering Space.
Not So Churchy Church
Sunday, April 12, 10:30 am
Join us the Sunday after Easter for a “not-so-churchy-church” worship service. We’ll be in the Gathering Space where we’ll eat, worship, and focus on the new life that is ours at Easter. It’s for all ages and will include some exercises to get us thinking about the areas of our lives that need some new life and how can we get it. This is a potluck! So please email Yolanda at adminasst@faithdesperes.org, text Annie, post to Facebook, or do it the old-fashioned way by calling (432-8029) or signing up in the Gathering Space and let us know (roughly) what you’ll bring. (There’s nursery care this Sunday if you want it, but there’s no Sunday School. Everyone is encouraged to worship together.)
We Want Candy!
About 100 kids and their families attend our annual Easter Egg Hunt at the Old Des Peres Church. That’s a lot of kids which = lots of candy needed! Please donate candy! You can leave it in the wagon in the Gathering Space. We also need egg stuffers after church on Palm Sunday (March 29). Any help you can provide is much appreciated! (Please donate small candy that fits in an egg.) Thank you!
Easter Egg Hunt, April 4, 11:00 am
Kids, bring your baskets for the BIG HUNT on Saturday, April 4, 11:00 am at the Old Des Peres Church on Geyer Road. This is for 5th graders and under. See you there!
Older & Wiser Brunch this Sunday
The Older & Wiser brunch will be held this Sunday after worship. See Barbara Wright for more details.
One Great Hour of Sharing
Through abundant and generous gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), Presbyterians have faithfully heeded God’s call to serve people seeking to reclaim and restore their lives.
Your gift allows Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to restore communities around the world affected by natural and human-caused disasters. Your generosity helps the Presbyterian Hunger Program work with Presbyterians and other partners to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes in this country and internationally. Your sharing makes it possible for Self-Development of People to affirm the dignity of all by assisting in the empowerment of economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged people.
The programs supported by OGHS depend on continued and increased support from congregations like ours. Our goal is to collect $1500. We will collect the OGHS offering on Easter Sunday, April 5th.