Thank you Faith Des Peres!
Due to the generosity of everyone at Faith Des Peres, we have collected over $1400.00 for the One Great Hour of Sharing offering. If you still would like to donate or forgot your “fish” boxes last week, there is still time to turn them in this week. Thank you again!
Adult Discussion Group, April 19, noon
The ADG meeting on April 19 will meet in the Gathering Space from 12 noon to 1:30 pm. Dorcas Case will present Timely Topics for Table Talk for critique and discussion by those present. All are welcome. If you would like to order a "brown bag lunch" for April 19, please contact Barbara Abbett (314-721-3292) or ( at least 4 days before this event.
Fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen, Tuesday, April 21
The Presbyterian Women’s group is hosting a fundraiser at California Pizza Kitchen in Creve Coeur on Tuesday, April 21. All church members need to do is show up with flier in hand and we will raise funds for our group. Thank you!
St. Louis Storytelling Festival, Thursday, April 30, 6pm
Faith Des Peres is hosting the St. Louis Storytelling Festival on Thursday, April 30. The evening kicks off at 6 pm with “Stories for the Young Listener”. At 7 pm, the adults get their turn with “Later Tales”, featuring story tellers Lyn Ford, Tom Lee, Heather Forest, Sandi Sylver, and Gene Tagaban. Also at 7 pm there are ghost stories and spiritual and faith-based stories. All events are free and open to the public. For more information visit or call 314-400-2115. We hope to see you here!
It’s Tea Time!
The Presbyterian Women’s annual tea will be held on Saturday, May 2nd from 2 - 4 pm at Pastor Annie’s home. All women and girls are welcome. Please email the office at with your reservation by April 30. If you are able to provide finger sandwiches, tea breads or cookies, etc. for the tea, please let us know when you RSVP. There will also be a sign up sheet in the Gathering Space. Thank you!