LIVING CREATION - Sunday, 9:30-10am
An intergenerational, experiential Bible study on the creation story (Genesis 1)
Aug 23: — Jurgen Ermel will be back with his bees and hopefully some honey. If you missed his presentation the first time, you won’t want to miss this one!
Sermon Series
In this series we’ll continue to cover some of the hot-button issues of the day with a look at what the Bible does and does not say about them. This series allows us to take the Bible seriously but not literally, and assumes God and the Bible can handle our intellectual pursuits. Don’t check your brain at the door.
August 23 The Apostle Paul
August 30 Left Behind and Loving It
Disciples’ Gathering This Sunday!
The Disciples’ Gathering is a time of learning and fun for kids grades K-5. It takes place on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from about 10:45-11:30. Clare Dingus is the lead teacher. This week they’re celebrating the grace in God’s good creation.
Women’s Bible Study Wednesday, August 26 9:30 am
The women’s bible study will begin next Wednesday, August 26 at 9:30 am. The study this year is, “Come to the Waters”. The classes are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month. The books will be available at the first class. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join for bible study and fellowship. If you need any further information, please ask Clarissa Schuller– Meyer or Annie.
Sacred Conversations on Race
Faith Des Peres will join other congregations in the presbytery for Sacred Conversations on Race. Sacred Conversations on Race was designed by Metropolitan Congregations United (MCU) to support congregations as they broach the difficult, but necessary conversations centered on racial tensions. These conversations will lead to ACTION led by better-informed and more self-aware people. With a community in need of understanding, healing and great systemic change, the conversation must begin. As the conversations begin, it is our hope that it will be easier to understand the plight of others, have your stories heard and begin to work together for an undivided community.
There will be two “mass congregation” gatherings on September 13 and November 8 (time and place TBD), and two with Faith Des Peres only.
A New Faith Formation Opportunity for Adults Beginning Sept 8 or 9
Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy: Richard Rohr on the Legacy of St. Francis
Jim Gerst is facilitating this five week DVD and book discussion that includes the topics of:
Atonement Theology
The Cosmic Christ
Orthodoxy Versus Orthopraxy
Mysticism Over Moralism
Each session begins with a 10-15 minute video presentation by Richard Rohr followed by filmed interaction with a small group of adults. The workbook then helps our group join the conversation. Each participant will need to purchase a workbook of their own, which is available on You can choose from a Tuesday evening at 7 or a Wednesday 11:30 brown bag lunch. The weekly sessions will last an hour. Let us know via the sign-up sheet in the Gathering Space or by email if you can come and which session you would prefer.
Shared Ministry Fair and Ice Cream Social, September 13
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the Shared Ministry Fair in the Gathering Space after worship. This will be a time for you to learn about what ministry opportunities exist and in return to let us know what you’re interested in doing this year at Faith Des Peres. Want to take part in Buddy Packs, or help plan Advent? How about serving as a liturgist, or assisting with communion? These and many more opportunities are available. Each of us is uniquely gifted by God to share our gifts, energy and passions with others to build the kingdom of God, and shared ministry helps us live out the affirmation that God calls all people to ministry. Hope to see you there!
Worship at Old Meeting House on Labor Day weekend
On Sunday, September 6 we will worship together at the Old Meeting House on Geyer Road.
Communion Table Flowers
A sign-up sheet for communion table flowers is now available in the Gathering Space. Please indicate how you would like the dedication in the bulletin to read. Yolanda will send an email a few days ahead of your scheduled date to remind you to bring flowers. Thank you so much!
PALS Program - New this Fall
Pals is an opportunity for children, youth and adults in the congregation to develop meaningful relationships across generations. It is also an opportunity for children, youth and adults to live into our mission to “reflect and live God’s love, accept and affirm all and inspire passion to do God’s work.” The Pals program is for children and youth who are entering Kindergarten-Senior in high school. Any adult may be a Pal.
Experiences the adult and child/youth may have include:
· Spending time together and talking together, particularly on “Pals Sunday”.
· Sit together in a Sunday worship service on Pals Sunday.
· Participate in a mission project together, such as Food Outreach or Go Sunday.
· Discuss aspects of your faith in your daily life.
· The Pals program follows the academic year: September-May.
· The Pals program will kick-off with an acknowledgement of the pairs in worship in September and conclude with a celebration in May.
What is Pals Sunday?
· Pals Sunday is the 3rd Sunday of the month and is set aside for you and your Pal to connect. Pals will gather at 9:30 in the Gathering Space for informal conversation and doughnuts. There will be a “table topic” to help get conversation started.
· While Pals are meeting, there will be a roundtable conversation in the Adult Conference Room geared for parents, though anyone in the congregation is welcome to attend. Nursery care will be provided for little ones.
Pals is a product of Vision 20/20’s goal to focus on the development of an Intergenerational Faith Formation program at Faith Des Peres that centers on bringing generations together in learning, caring, praying, celebrating, serving faithfully and inspiring the passion to make Christ known.
If you are interested in being a Pal or learning more about Pals, please email Annie at Thank you!