Welcome Peter Nettling
Please welcome Peter Nettling as our interim Director of Music and Organist. Peter comes to us with over 30 years’ experience serving churches that range in size from 150-2200. He started on Wednesday with his first choir rehearsal, and we’re excited to have him on board.
Feeding The Flock, September 13
We will collect food Sunday, September 13 for Feeding the Flock. Please remember to bring your donations and help feed those less fortunate.
Shared Ministry Fair and Ice Cream Social, September 13
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the Shared Ministry Fair in the Gathering Space after worship. This will be a time for you to learn about what ministry opportunities exist and in return to let us know what you’re interested in doing this year at Faith Des Peres. Want to take part in Buddy Packs, or help plan Advent? How about serving as a liturgist, or assisting with communion? These and many more opportunities are available. Each of us is uniquely gifted by God to share our gifts, energy and passions with others to build the kingdom of God, and shared ministry helps us live out the affirmation that God calls all people to ministry. Hope to see you there!
Disciples Gathering
Disciples Gathering is a time for kids grades K-5 to learn about the Bible, the people in the Bible, God, Jesus, and faith. They meet next on September 13 at 10:45. Hope to see you there!
T-Shirt Sunday
On Sunday, September 13 you’re invited to wear your Faith Des Peres t-shirt on what we’re calling “t-shirt Sunday”! It just seems like a good day to wear it with the ice cream social and shared ministry fair.
Sacred Conversations on Race
Faith Des Peres will join other congregations in the presbytery for Sacred Conversations on Race. Sacred Conversations on Race was designed by Metropolitan Congregations United (MCU) to support congregations as they broach the difficult, but necessary conversations centered on racial tensions. These conversations will lead to ACTION led by better-informed and more self-aware people. With a community in need of understanding, healing and great systemic change, the conversation must begin. As the conversations begin, it is our hope that it will be easier to understand the plight of others, have your stories heard and begin to work together for an undivided community.
There will be two “mass congregation” gatherings on September 13 and November 8at First Presbyterian Church of Ferguson, 401 Darst Road, Ferguson 63155 from 3:00—6:00 pm, and two with Faith Des Peres only (dates TBD) . If you are interested in attending the conversation in Ferguson, please let the Yolanda know. Carpooling is being arranged.
A New Faith Formation Opportunity for Adults Beginning Sept 8 or 9
Embracing an Alternative Orthodoxy: Richard Rohr on the Legacy of St. Francis
Jim Gerst is facilitating this five week DVD and book discussion that includes the topics of:
Atonement Theology
The Cosmic Christ
Orthodoxy Versus Orthopraxy
Mysticism Over Moralism
Each session begins with a 10-15 minute video presentation by Richard Rohr followed by filmed interaction with a small group of adults. The workbook then helps our group join the conversation. Each participant will need to purchase a workbook of their own, which is available on Amazon.com. You can choose from a Tuesday evening at 7 or a Wednesday11:30 brown bag lunch. The weekly sessions will last an hour. Let us know via email if you can come and which session you would prefer.
Columbarium Expansion
Many years ago, plans were drawn to expand the columbarium at the Old Des Peres Church and enhance the landscaping around it because all of the current niches are sold and the landscaping is in need of attention. Lately, there’s been enough interest expressed in purchasing a niche at the columbarium that it may be time to dust off those plans and expand. If you’re interested in purchasing a niche, please let Annie know. If enough interest is expressed, it may be possible to expand the columbarium. Any member or friend of the church may purchase a niche. Thank you.
New Sermon Series Starts September 13
DIY: A Faith of Your Own But Not On Your Own
Few Christians arrive at a set of beliefs that they can set in stone for the rest of their lives. What we believe evolves in response to insights into the Bible, the Christian tradition, questions and changes in life circumstances, or things that happen in the larger world. Faith is a living thing. But sometimes it’s hard to articulate what we believe. The purpose of this sermon series is to help you name a faith of your own. Subjects covered include: God, Christ, Holy Spirit, evil, and the church.
Tai Chi Classes Resume September 28
Tai Chi classes are beginning again! Tai Chi has proven benefits of improved balance, lowered blood pressure, improved immune system, and improved mood. Classes will be held Monday evenings beginning on Sept. 28th at 5:30 in the Gathering Space. Classes are just $5, pay as you go, and last one hour. Dress comfortably. Bring a friend or make a friend. You'll enjoy this soothing meditation in motion! For further information contact Susan Marting 314-609-9091.