Dear Faith Des Peres Community,
I’m really excited about this Sunday! Pals meets Sunday at 9:30, and in honor of Martin Luther King Day on Monday, Bernie Davis will be our special guest and talk about his experience walking in Selma, and how and why he got involved. There will be time for Q and A, and we’ll also talk about how we can continue building the beloved community in 2016. Even if you’re not in PALS, please come. There will be coffee and doughnuts, and it would be awesome to have you join us.
During worship, we’ll hear the story of the wedding at Cana, and the entire service will revolve around a wedding theme. It will be fun and festive! We’ll celebrate communion, too, so don’t forget your food for Feeding the Flock.
Do you know anyone looking for a church, or more meaning in their life, or something to help ground them? This is a great Sunday to invite them. There will be something for everyone.
See you Sunday!