Sermon Series, “Now What?”
Coming out of the Christmas season and into Epiphany, we hear the prophet Isaiah tell us, “Arise, shine, for your light has come.” Likewise, a new year is ripe with possibilities. What’s in store? Will this be the year you (you fill in the blank)? How can you shine this year? Join us as we explore these questions.
Looking for a way to find God more deeply in prayer this Lent and Easter?
At this workshop, you’ll learn about prayer as relationship, the simple method of Centering Prayer, how to deal with thoughts during prayer and how to deepen your relationship with God. Everyone is invited to come away for a half-day retreat here in our own beautiful Gathering Space at Faith Des Peres Presbyterian Church. Saturday February 6, 2016 — 9am-2pm (light breakfast & registration begin at 8:30am). Cost: $25 per person includes the workshop and an optional follow-up session to be held in April at Grace Episcopal Church in Kirkwood. Lunch: Bring your own lunch; Refrigeration and coffee & water will be provided. Please register at the COSTL website —pay online via PayPal by clicking the “Buy Now” button OR complete the online form and bring cash/check to the event, or send a check payable to Contemplative Outreach of St. Louis, 514 East Argonne Dr., Kirkwood, MO 63122. This workshop is open to the public so please register early as we will try to limit the class size to thirty participants. Once you have registered please let Jim Gerst, 314-303-8674, or Charlotte or Will Ridley 314-821-852 know so we can keep track of the number of Faith Des Peres family attending.