Come for Pancakes, Join Us for Worship! February 10, 6:30 pm
The Worship Arts Team is hosting a pancake supper on February 10 at 6:30 pm followed by an Ash Wednesday service. Dinner includes pancakes and worship includes burning last year’s palms outside in a fire pit. Sign-up in the Gathering Space if you plan to attend and if you can, lend a hand. We need about 4 people or so to make pancakes before the service. Thanks!
Sunday, February 14 Chocolate Bar!
After church on Sunday, February 14 (you know, Valentine’s Day), we’ll have a chocolate bar. Bring your sweetie and skip the fancy meal. Hope to see you here!
Let’s Have Lunch
Mark your calendar for February 16, 11:30am for lunch at J. Greene’s Pub on Manchester. in
Warson Woods. We’re forming a new monthly lunch group for anyone who just wants to have lunch. We’ll reserve the private room there, so please let us know you’re coming. Thanks!
Chili Cook-Off Friday, February 26
FDP’s second annual Chili Cook-off is Friday evening February 26th in the Gathering Space. All varieties of chili welcome. Doors open at 6:30. Sign up to enter your signature pot of chili or sign up to let us know you’re coming to eat and judge. First, second and third prizes awarded to the winning chefs. Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors to this fun and tasty event!
Rockhaven Ecozoic Center Spaghetti Dinner, Saturday, February 27
Rockhaven Ecozoic Center is holding its annual Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, February 27 at Grace Episcopal Church 514 E. Argonne Drive in Kirkwood. Doors open at 5:30 and dinner is at 6:30. The cost is $20 per person ($24 at the door) and kids under 8 are free. Tickets can be purchased at or you can call Sister Cheryl Kemner at 314-965-3700.