Dear Members and Friends of Faith Des Peres,
It was great to be back with you all last Sunday after my vacation. We had a wonderful time at Spofford and all the other places we’ve been this summer, but it’s always good to get home, too. If you’ve had the opportunity to travel this summer, I hope your time away was been restful. And if you haven’t traveled, I hope you’ll find time to relax at home. All of us need a Sabbath every now and then.
This week in worship we’re looking at the subject of prayer. Prayer is one of the subjects I get asked about the most. I’ve preached on prayer a few times through the years, but hope to shed new light on the subject . . .especially given what’s going on in our country and around the world. I hope you’ll be here on Sunday.
In this blog, please take note of Church in the Park on August 14, and this Sunday we’ll have a guest speaker from Circle of Concern at 9 am to talk about their work and how our food donations help. This is a part of the Living Creation series.