Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

We’re in the dog days of summer! I hope everyone is staying cool in this hot weather.

This Sunday at Living Creation Bible study, we’ll hear from Tommy Epling about his Eagle Scout project to build bee hives for the community garden.  If there’s time left after that, Terry will give a quick lesson in canning.  If you’re not sure what to do with all your extra zucchini, can it! You can also donate it to Circle of Concern Food Pantry. This Bible Study is very laid back and for all ages, so join us at 9am.  On August 7, we’ll worship at the old church, and Living Creation will happen after church at Clayton Road. It’s a garden potluck. Bring something from your garden to share, or if you don’t have a garden bring something from a local garden or farmer’s market.  We’ll feast farm-to-table style.

Lastly, don’t forget Church in the Park on August 14. We’ll also eat after that! The church provides the burgers, hotdogs, drinks and paper goods; please bring a side dish, salad or dessert to share.  We’ll also bless the backpacks of our returning students. I can’t even believe we’re talking about back to school.

I hope to see you Sunday.

