Dear Faith Des Peres Friends,

It may have rained last Sunday but it didn’t dampen the good time we had at Church in the Park! We still had a good crowd, blessed many backpacks, and enjoyed lunch afterwards. Thank you Terry Baker for organizing lunch, and thank you Keith Weber and Andy Richter for being our grill masters.  We appreciate your help very much.

This Sunday we’re back at Clayton Road and still at 10:00 am for worship. Disciples Gathering (aka Sunday School) begins this Sunday and will also meet August 28.  FYI, we’ll go back to the 10:30 worship time on September 11. Also this Sunday, our newest tenant, Nurturing Curiosity, is hosting an open house from 11-1.  Come check out the beautiful rooms downstairs and spread the word. You may also find a few parking spaces closest to the building are roped off; this is for the safety of any youngsters who attend the open house.

I hope to see you Sunday! Invite a friend to join you!


