Dear Faith Des Peres Family,

With summer winding down and schools back in session, that also means that things are kicking back into gear here. Disciples Gathering, our Sunday School class for 5th grade and under, started last week. On September 11, our Fall programming for adults starts with a recap of what happened at the PC(USA) biennial meeting in June led by Terry Epling and Dianne Modrell. Also on September 11, we’ll have our Shared Ministry Fair and ice cream social after church. This is your chance to let us know what you’re interested in doing this year. Everything from volunteering for Buddy Packs to serving as a liturgist are up for grabs.

This Sunday, we’ll hear a story in which Jesus instructs people where to sit at a dinner party. Between now and Sunday, think about some of your most memorable family dinners. What happened around the table? What was said? What was served? What did you learn? We'll talk about the family dinner, and what's to be gained from taking part in it.

Don’t forget, we’re still worshiping at 10:00am. We’ll return to the 10:30 time on September 11.

See you in church.

