Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

This Sunday I’ll continue the sermon series “Half Truths” where we are examining Christian clichés that don’t make sense once you start to really think about them. This week we’ll look at the saying “God helps those who help themselves”. Quick – is this in the Bible or not? Join us Sunday for the whole truth behind the truth!

This sermon series is a great opportunity to invite someone to worship. Maybe you know someone who is going through a difficult period, asking the perennial question “Why”. Maybe you yourself are asking that question and haven’t been to church in a while. Come on Sunday, and invite someone to join you, to discover the whole truth that brings more comfort than the half-truth. You can invite someone by forwarding this email to them. How much simpler could it be?

If you haven’t been to church in a while, consider coming back on Sunday. And, know that when you aren’t here, you’re missed.

Hope to see you Sunday.


