Dear Faith Des Peres Community,

This Sunday I’ll conclude the sermon series “Half Truths” with the cliché “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin”. I’m going to extend the benefit of doubt to people who say this that they mean it with good intentions, but if it were said about you, how would it make you feel? People may mean it to be gracious and kind, and reflect the love they have for people, but let’s be honest – it’s said with a certain amount of judgment. And that’s why it’s only a half-truth, because it doesn’t carry the whole truth we find it scripture.

 It’s no coincidence that we saved this half-truth for World Communion Sunday, because on this Sunday we remember that at Christ’s table, there is room for everyone; no one is excluded because of race, ethnic origin, economic status, social class, sexual preference, nationality, gender, or ability. On this Sunday, we “draw the circle wide” (you won’t want to miss the choir’s awesome anthem by this name!) just as Christ did!

 It’s going to be a GREAT celebration. You won’t want to miss it! Is there someone in your life who has felt excluded by a church? Invite them to join us as we draw the circle wide and make Christ known!


