Dear Faith Des Peres Family,

This Sunday we’ll celebrate the baptism of Andy Ezekiel Schuller-Meyer, son of Clarissa Schuller-Meyer and Jason Meyer. This is our 5th baptism in 6 months! I hope you’ll be here to welcome Andy into the family of faith, and to celebrate with Clarissa, Jason, and Nathan. I’m looking forward to it.


Last week in worship, we dedicated our Christmas Giving Tree gifts. I want to thank Judy Sisson and Sandy Williams who co-chaired this year’s event. Under their leadership, we helped a number of families from Southside Day Nursery and Lydia’s House have a nice Christmas with toys and gifts under the tree! Thank you so much to everyone who participated and purchased gifts. We couldn’t have done it without you.


There are a number of fun events coming up in December that you can read about in this email. If you’re looking to add some holiday music to your festivities, I encourage you to come to the Gateway Ringers concert on December 17. Jeff White, our interim Director of Music, is a member of this group. I’m sure the concert will be fantastic. We also have the annual gingerbread house party this Saturday and the women’s cookie exchange on Wednesday. There really is something for everyone!



