Thank you to all who helped us plan and organize the Freeze Out for Homelessness! Last Saturday we had 13 campers who slept out in front of the church to experience the challenges the homeless face each day. If you were here last Sunday you heard testimonies from some of the campers, 2 of whom braved the Freeze Out without tents. Although our experience was challenging and uncomfortable at times, it does not compare to the challenges of those who live on the streets every day.
Our work is not done...phase two of the Freeze Out is our opportunity to make Christ known. We are collecting items for care kits that we will deliver directly to the homeless on February 5th. We have been blessed with many generous donations from our friends and families of FDP for supplies for these care kits. We also received a huge donation of food from Twigs, a nonprofit organization in Granite City IL that provides free lunches to children in need. It is such a blessing to have support throughout the bi-state community for our forgotten brothers and sister in need. If you have supplies for our care kits please bring them this Sunday to worship. If you want to contribute your time, we still need volunteers to pack the care kits after worship this Sunday and deliver them downtown directly to the homeless. We are also asking our volunteers to wear their FDP t-shirts this Sunday as we go out and make Christ known.