Mark Your Calendars for FDP Go! Sunday … April 23

Every year on the Sunday after Easter, members and friends of Faith Des Peres Presbyterian go into the community to share our gifts of time, service and love with those in need. This year, on Sunday, April 23, we will send teams to four service activities: Doorways – gardening project; Lydia’s House – house beautification project; International Institute – urban farm/garden project; and Blanket Making for St. Louis Children’s Hospital. For members and friends who aren’t able to participate in any of these activities, we’re also seeking three or four people to make sandwiches for our volunteers to take with them. We will gather at 10 a.m. for a 15-minute worship service before heading out in service together. We expect to arrive at locations by 11 a.m. and service projects should last approximately 2 – 3 hours. Please sign up for a project on the sign up sheets in the Gathering Space today! See Erica Abbett or Clarissa Schueller-Meyer for more details.

