Every year on the Sunday after Easter, members and friends of Faith Des Peres Presbyterian go into the community to share our gifts of time, service and love with those in need. This year, on Sunday, April 23, we will send teams to four service activities. See details about those activities below. Please sign up on the sheets in the Gathering Space.
We will have a brief worship service at 10 a.m. before heading out for our service projects. Child care will be available at the church during Go Sunday.
Blanket Making (Gathering Space)
We need 8 - 10 volunteers to make blankets for children at St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Mary Dingus is the team lead for this project. She will bring the blanket materials, plus patterns/size information for the blankets. Team members should bring good fabric-cutting scissors.
Doorways – Gardening Project (Lafayette neighborhood)
We need 4 – 6 volunteers to plant four raised beds and pot citronella plants at this Doorways location. Three of the beds also need dirt. One bed needs repair, but no dirt. They would like us to plant herbs (no need for mint), tomatoes (preferably beefsteak), cucumbers, beans (best by seed), collard greens and zucchini, as well as citronella. The lead for this project would need to purchase and bring the seeds for planting and the pots for the citronella plants. Additionally, the lead would need to purchase and bring dirt/mulch for the beds. Team members should bring gardening tools and gloves.
Lydia’s House – Outdoor Space Beautification (Location coming soon)
We need 4 – 6 volunteers to help beautify the outdoor space at a new site for women and children. This group will provide two large potted plants for a small front patio and will trim some landscape already planted in the front of the building. Lydia’s house has requested low-maintenance perennials (plants that come back every year) purple, gold and green plants/flowers. These plants/flowers will get full sun at times. Additionally, the patio needs some good old fashioned sweeping and cleaning, and the patio furniture needs to be cleaned. The lead for this project would be responsible for purchasing and bringing the plants and pots to the site. The team should bring planting and trimming tools, a broom, and cleaning supplies for the patio furniture.
International Institute – Urban Farm Project (Lafayette neighborhood)
We need 6 – 8 volunteers to help tend an urban farm. Additional details about this project are coming soon.
Sandwich Making (Gathering Space)
We need 3 – 4 volunteers to make and bring sandwiches for our volunteer teams. We will let you know by Wednesday, April 19 how many sandwiches we will need, but this team should plan to make approximately 30 – 35 sandwiches depending on how many people sign up for projects. We request that the team lead also provide bottled water, fresh fruit (apples, bananas, Cuties oranges) and chips for our volunteers.