On Palm Sunday, April 9th, our choir and guest instrumentalists will present a cantata, “In the Final Week”. It is a beautiful choral setting of the last days of Christ’s life leading up to Easter.
Maundy Thursday, April 13, 7:00pm
The Worship Arts Committee invites you to take part in what is known as an “Agape Meal”. Please sign up by emailing Kendra at adminasst@faithdesperes.org or by signing up in the Gathering Space. This event is for all ages!
Easter Morning, April 16, 10:30am
Invite your friends and families to worship with us at 10:30 Easter morning! Join us for worship to hear an inspiring message, special music by a brass quartet and beautiful flowers proclaiming Christ is risen. He is risen indeed!
Easter Flowers
We will decorate the Sanctuary witha variety of blooming flowers (6” pots). Cost per plant is $10. See the sign up sheet in the Gathering Space to place your order or email Kendra at adminasst@faithdesperes.org. Please designate if the flowers are being given in honor of or memory of loved ones.