A Reminder About the Columbarium Expansion
A couple of weeks ago letters were mailed to Faith Des Peres members and friends informing them about the expansion plans that are being finalized for the Columbarium at the Old Stone Church on Geyer Road. That letter also explained the process for purchasing a niche in the expansion area, which is being undertaken because all spaces in the current Columbarium are owned and we continue to receive inquiries and requests to be placed on a waiting list when additional spaces become available.
If you and your family have not yet considered or made plans for life's end, this may be an appropriate time to do that. Making decisions such as this before faced with them can be helpful and comforting when grief descends. Some FDP members and friends have purchased niches in the planned expansion and there still are spaces available.
If you are interested or have questions about this, please contact the church office (314-432-8029). We can send you additional information and would be happy to meet with you to further explain the expansion project and how you can make your purchase at this time.
The Columbarium Team -- Barb Abbett, Dianne Modrell, Jean Neunreiter