Dear Members and Friends of Faith Des Peres,

This Sunday we’re celebrating two baptisms. Count them – two! We’re blessed to baptize Emerson and Adam, grandchildren of Rufus and Judy Sisson, and welcome them into the family of faith. I hope you’ll be here to celebrate. Of course, there will be cake after church!

Also this Sunday, we’ll say farewell to Gail Robins, our Director of Music and Organist. Gail has served us very well this past year. It’s been a pleasure to work with her and watch the choir grow under her leadership. Gail’s departure means that we’re looking for a new Director of Music/Organist. This position and the Administrative Assistant position are advertised in different places including our website. If you know anyone who would be a good match, direct them there or to me. I’m happy to talk to them about both positions.

Lastly, August is soon to be here and that means back to school. Julia has already spent a week in drum line rehearsals and band camp starts on Monday. Yikes! We’ll bless the backpacks of all returning students on August 13 at Church in the Park. We’ll also begin Disciples Gathering (Sunday School for children and youth) on August 20. We have some fun and different things planned for them for the Fall, so be on the look-out for more information.

I hope I’ll see you all Sunday.


