Dear Faith Des Peres Family,
Sunday is our 3rd annual Church in the Park worship service and BBQ lunch at 10:30 at Kirkwood Park/Lions Pavilion! This has become one of my favorite Sundays at Faith Des Peres. The atmosphere is fun, and the access to parking and a playground is easy for all ages. I hope you can come! The church will provide the hamburgers and hotdogs and drinks, we just need you to bring a side dish/salad or dessert to share. If you’re returning to school, bring your backpack, too, for the annual Blessing of the Backpacks. I hope you can be there! DON'T FORGET TO WEAR YOUR FDP T-SHIRT!
Things are kicking into gear here at the church with Disciples Gathering (Sunday School) starting on August 20. Sydney and Clare are teaching again this year a middle school class and elementary class, respectively. Both classes will learn about Moses, whom the adults will be learning about in church, too. Everyone should have something to talk about on their way home from church!
Make sure to read about Buddy Packs later in this email and the awesome changes that are happening with this program. There’s a Sign-up Genius link to help pack. This is an easy way to make a big impact in the lives of others, it won’t take long, and all ages can help.
I hope to see you Sunday!