Dear Friends of Faith Des Peres,
Last Sunday was a wonderful one! We celebrated the baptism of Henry Robert Harper, our 6th baptism in 6 months. This is a really big deal! I don’t know many churches that have celebrated this many baptisms. Each and every one of them has been a joyous occasion and cause for celebration.
Also last Sunday, we hosted Kelly Storck who spoke to us about understanding transgender. Kelly’s presentation made me think about how Faith Des Peres can be more welcoming to people across the gender spectrum. Most churches, as Kelly pointed, aren’t welcoming at all to people who are transgender. So while we can stand proud that we are, I can think of ways that we could improve our hospitality. Can you? As we seek to live into our values and fulfill our goals of growing spiritually and numerically, we need to constantly evaluate how we’re doing on the hospitality front. What one thing can you do to make someone’s visit to Faith Des Peres better? This is a question everyone should be asking and answering.
On Friday night we’ll have our annual game night. This is a fun night for people of all ages; bring a game, drink or nosh to the Gathering Space on January 26 at 7 pm, or just bring yourself!
Lastly, our morning to volunteer at Food Outreach is Saturday, February 3. Food Outreach provides meals to people living with HIV/AIDS and cancer. We pack already prepared food in individual containers from 8:00 am – 10:30 am. Food Outreach is very well run which makes for a really good volunteer experience. Trust me, you’ll leave feeling like you’ve really accomplished something good. Consider volunteering that morning; you only need to be 12 years and older, and you will stand for most of that time. Let us know if you can volunteer; we still need about 10 people.
I hope to see you Sunday in worship!