Dear Faith Des Peres Church Family,

This past Sunday I shared the good news that despite damage to three of the four walls at the Old Des Peres Presbyterian Church that the structural engineer who inspected it has green-lighted it for repair/restoration.  The repair/restoration is expected to take 4-6 months to complete.  In the meantime, the building is closed up and protected from both the elements and any curious, shelter-seeking critters.

Join us for an evening of storytelling around a fire pit at 7:00 p.m. this Friday, October 18 at the home of Kelly and Angie Hiner on Geyer Road near the Old Des Peres Church.  Come and share your favorite ghost or other stories and feel free to bring shareable snacks.

Our last food packing day this year at Food Outreach is this Saturday, October 19 beginning at 8:00 a.m. This is a lot of fun as we work together and makes a huge difference in the lives of the people battling HIV and cancer who receive these hot entrees. 

My sermon message this Sunday will be “Receiving God’s Amazing Grace” from Jeremiah 31:27-34.  In this Scripture the Gracious One through Jeremiah assures the people of God’s forgiveness, continued love and care, particularly extended through a “new covenant” relationship.

We are again participating in the St. Louis World Food Day food packing event Friday, November 1 from 6:00-7:00 p.m.  Last year we signed up for one table and because there was so much interest, we’ve signed up for two tables this year, which means we need 20 people to fill those tables.  Please look for a sign-up sheet to participate in the Gathering Space.  If there’s interest we’ll go out to dinner together afterwards, too.

This Sunday please also look for a list of items we’ll be collecting for our next “A Little Touch from Home” for our deployed troops.  We will dedicate what we’ve collected during our Veteran’s Day worship on Sunday, November 10.

Also looking ahead to November, Faith Formation will host a discussion of Barbara Brown Taylor’s Holy Envy:  Finding God in the Faith of Others over lunch following worship Sunday, November 17.  Hope you’ll join us!

This is just a small sampling of upcoming events and activities being planned by the Faith Formation, Mission and Ministry, and Worship Arts centers for November.  Keep watching our weekly blogs, emails and bulletins for more information!

I look forward to seeing you in and around our church as we share in mission and ministry together!

Shalom in Christ Jesus,

Pastor Marilyn
