Dear Faith Des Peres Church Family,
Thank you for all the warm ways you have welcomed me into your church family! It is a joy to be serving with you during this transitional journey!
Don’t forget to join us for our Chili Cook-Off this Friday night in the Gathering Space. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and Chili eating and judging begins at 7:00 p.m. See you there!
Then join us for worship this Sunday, February 24 when my sermon message will be “Envisioning God’s Realm” from Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain” as found in Luke 6:17-26. Jesus’ “Sermon on the Plain” is similar to but not identical to his “Sermon on the Mount” found in Matthew’s Gospel.
Although every worship is special, some of the extra-special upcoming plans for March include observing “Celebrate the Gifts of Women/Mardi Gras Sunday” on March 3, Ash Wednesday in the Gathering Space at 6:45 p.m. on March 6, the “First Sunday in Lent/Wear-Your-Blue-FDP-Shirt Sunday” March 10, and the prelude to our “Summit on the Past” part of our transitional journey on March 31.
I also hope you will plan to join us for our next book study discussion on Michelle Obama’s Becoming following worship Sunday, March 24.
Keep watching our weekly blogs and Sunday bulletins for more details about these and other upcoming worship and church activities.
I look forward to seeing you in and around our church as we share in mission and ministry together!
Shalom in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Marilyn