Dear Faith Des Peres Church Family,
This Palm/Passion Sunday is our last Sunday of our journey through Lent, 40 days not including Sundays, when as we travel with Jesus toward his crucifixion we are particularly invited to reflect upon how we are living our lives and any changes we would like to make toward bringing our lives back in line with our Christian faith and values.
Weather permitting, our Holy Week worship will begin on the front steps of our church with the Palm Sunday reading from Luke’s Gospel and then a joyful palm waving processional into the sanctuary. In the event of inclement weather, we will begin worship in the narthex, still processing into the sanctuary joyfully waving our palms. Instead of a sermon message this week we will have an interactive reading of Jesus’ Passion from Luke’s Gospel.
This Sunday, April 14 will be our last Buddy Packing day this school year. Please go downstairs to the fellowship hall after worship to help. Many hands make light work!
Our second Holy Week event will be on April 18, our Maundy Thursday observance at 6:30 p.m. when we will share a simple meal interspersed with worship including remembering the Last Supper, all in the Gathering Space. Please sign up this Sunday in the Gathering Space so we know how much food to plan.
Looking ahead to Easter Sunday on April 21, our joyful worship celebration will include welcoming new members, baptizing children, and sharing Holy Communion. And don’t forget to bring your fish banks and other offerings for the One Great Hour of Sharing offering, which will be dedicated during our Easter worship. This year’s goal is $1,750.
Our annual GO! Sunday worship and day of service is coming up on April 28 and you can go ahead and sign up for where you’d like to serve in the Gathering Space.
I look forward to seeing you in and around our church as we share in mission and ministry together!
Shalom in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Marilyn