Dear Faith Des Peres Church Family,
I will be on vacation until the 28th to celebrate Craig’s and my birthdays. Our guest preacher Sunday, July 28 will be the Rev. Dr. Steve Heitkamp and his sermon message will be “Choosing to Listen” from 1 Kings 19:1-12.
Please plan to join us next Sunday for worship at the Old Des Peres Church a.k.a Old Meeting House at 2250 North Geyer Road. As a reminder there are no restroom facilities so please plan ahead.
Please continue bringing in items for Mission and Ministry’s School Supply Drive, which we will plan to dedicate during worship Sunday, August 4.
I hope you have our “Summit on the Future” Sunday, August 11 on your calendars. This is the last event of our transitional journey in preparation for a team to write your mission and ministry study report for the Presbytery and seek permission to form a Pastor Nominating Committee to begin searching for your next called and installed pastor. Lunch will be provided. Please sign up on the sheet in the Gathering Space.
I look forward to seeing you in and around our church as we share in mission and ministry together!
Shalom in Christ Jesus,
Pastor Marilyn