What a difference we can make! For the 2nd year we are teaming up with the University City School District to collect school supplies for the upcoming school year. Supplies we collect will be used throughout the school year for students in need who are new to the district and for students from homeless families.
We invite you join us in this effort to help a neighboring school district fill an important need. Please see the list of suggested supplies and bring items to the church This Sunday, Aug. 4. We will deliver supplies to the district the following week, when we deliver our first Buddy Packs! Look for the collection box in the Gathering Space.
Loose Leaf Paper (wide ruled)
Loose Leaf Paper (college ruled)
Spiral Notebooks (wide ruled
Spiral Notebooks (college ruled)
Pre-K Writing Tablets
Drawing Tablets
Glue Sticks
Colored Pencils (12 pack)
Thin Markers (8 pack)
Thick Markers (8 pack)
Pocket Folders
Crayons (24 pack)
Jumbo Crayons (8 pack)