Dear Faith Des Peres Church Family,

 We are now under construction with the beginning of the phased removal, grading and paving of our new parking lot!  The entire project with the possible exception of some new landscape plantings in the front of the church is to be finished by Halloween.  Thank you for your patience as we become a construction zone for these next two months!

 My sermon message this Sunday will be “Molding and Shaping Our Church” from Jeremiah 18:1-11.  This is the story of God sending the prophet to a potter’s house where the Divine Potter then gave him a message for the people.  We will celebrate Communion this Sunday and please bring your items for Feeding the Flock.

 This Sunday will also be our first Disciples Gathering following the children’s message this fall.  Clare Dingus will be teaching our elementary children on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.

 We will also have our second Buddy Packing day of the new school year after worship this Sunday.

 I will be on “study leave” September 9-22 to move into our new home.  Our guest preacher September 15 will be new UKirk St. Louis pastor the Rev. Max Hill and our guest preacher September 22 will be the Rev. Carol DeVaughan.

 I look forward to seeing you in and around our church as we share in mission and ministry together!

 Shalom in Christ Jesus,

 Pastor Marilyn
