In this issue of the Commonplace Blog you’ll find many opportunities to get involved and help the wider community.  Food Outreach and CROP Walk are great ways to make a big difference in a short amount of time and they’re fun, too.  I’m also still in need of a Sunday School teacher for October 12, 19, and 26.  You don’t need to be a Bible wizard and you don’t need to come up with your own lesson plan.  All you need is a desire to help these young people in their learning! 

Rally Day was a big success.  My thanks go to Leslie Barnes, Beth Willock, Danny and Kenny Mortimer, and Gay Spears for all their help coordinating the day. 

Last, this Sunday the Adult Discussion Group meets at 9:15 am.  Terry Epling will talk about what happened at General Assembly in June.  This is your chance to gets the facts and hear about what else is happening in the presbytery.  And, children’s Sunday School will continue learning about the sacrament of communion.

See you in church!
