2014 CROP Walk
The 2014 CROP Walk is almost here. This year’s walk will be on Sunday, October 12. Registration begins at 12:30 and the walk begins at 1:30 pm. For the last several years we at FDP have participated with multiple congregations and denominations across the St. Louis area in an annual CROP Hunger Walk. Individuals walk and can donate money that goes to relief organizations that address hunger. 25% of the money raised stays in the St. Louis area. Last year the St. Louis area CROP Walk raised over $32,000. Church World Services sponsors over 1,400 walks that include about 145,000 walkers. There is a one mile and a 3 mile walk you can participate in. We hope you will join us. For more information, contact Erica Ebbett at eabbett@sbcglobal.net, or sign up on the sign up sheet in the Gathering Space.
Next food packing at Food Outreach is Saturday, October 4th at 8 am.
Want to know how you can make a difference in people’s lives in just a few short hours? Come join members of Faith Des Peres at Food Outreach on Saturday morning, October 4th. There we will pack food into individual meals that will be given to people living with HIV/AIDS and cancer who are living at or below 400% of the poverty level. We start at 8 am, and are done before 11 am—often by 10 am. If there is interest, sometimes we go out for breakfast afterwards. Food Outreach requests that volunteers be 11 years old and in 5th grade. We need to have at least 10 individuals and they strongly prefer 15—so know that we NEED YOUR HELP. Please sign up by emailing Elizabeth Pribor at efpribor@gmail.com
One Great Hour of Sharing
By God’s grace, each day is a gift, an opportunity for a new beginning. Through abundant and generous gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), for many years Presbyterians have faithfully heeded God’s call to serve people seeking to reclaim and restore their lives.
Your gift to OGHS is a gift of hope. Your gift allows Presbyterian Disaster Assistance to restore communities around the world affected by natural and human-caused disasters. Your generosity helps the Presbyterian Hunger Program work with Presbyterians and other partners to alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes in this country and internationally. Your sharing makes it possible for Self-Development of People to affirm the dignity of all by assisting in the empowerment of economically poor, oppressed, and disadvantaged people.
The programs supported by OGHS depend on continued and increased support from congregations like ours. We will collect the OGHS offering on World Communion Sunday, October 5.
Do You Like Kids?
If so, we need some extra hands to help in Sunday School in October. You do not need experience in teaching, nor a mastery of the Bible, to teach Sunday School. You do need a desire to serve children, God and the church through this important ministry. If you would like to teach, or are curious about it, please talk to Annie. Thank you.