Annual Congregational Meeting Sunday, June 7
The annual meeting of the congregation will take place Sunday, June 7 after the worship service. Session will present the Vision 20/20 results that include a new vision, mission, values and structure for the church.

"LET'S PLAY BALL!" (or at least eat and watch a baseball game)
FDP is going to the River City Rascals baseball game at the TR Hughes Stadium in O'Fallon, MO on Friday evening June 12th. Box Seats are only $10.00 (not $25.00) but you will be responsible for the purchase of your own food. The game starts at 6:30 pm.  Guaranteed fun and FDP fellowship for the whole family! Please sign up in the Gathering Space or call Yolanda in the church office.

From the Garden
String beans, spinach and lettuce are growing in our community garden beds and will eventually be taken to Circle of Concern for our first delivery of this year's growing season.  We will add three new growing beds to the giveaway section of the garden this year which will greatly increase the amount of food we will be able to donate.  We are looking for a donation of a baby scale to help us calculate the amount of produce we are donating.  We are also looking for a used outdoor table and chair set to encourage people to use the garden area for lunch or picnic dinner.  Many of the individual garden plots are also showing signs of producing a cornucopia full of fresh vegetables this year.

We are starting to prepare a schedule for the watering, picking and delivery of produce to Circle of Concern for this season and would like to invite anyone who can participate to do so.  If you feel led to help, please send my lovely wife, an email with your name and the dates that you would not be able to help; we usually take a week at a time.  

If you have not stopped by the garden lately, please do so. Open the gate and take a little stroll around the beds. Jim Gerst

Flat Jesus
Flat Jesus is back!  Get a template for him on the blog or in the Gathering Space.  Email your Flat Jesus pictures to Yolanda at  Flat Jesus is a fun project that helps us share our faith and reminds us that Jesus goes with us wherever we go.  It’s also a way to keep us connected over the summer while people are travelling hither and yon.  You’re invited, and encouraged, to take a cut-out of Jesus, decorate him, take him with you this summer, snap pictures of your Flat Jesus, and email them to us.
