Sunday, May 31, Church in the Park, 10:30 am
Mark your calendars for our first ever Church in the Park worship service!  Church will be at Lions Pavilion in Kirkwood Park; there is ample parking next to the pavilion and a great playground for kids, too.  We’ll celebrate the year and enjoy a BBQ lunch afterwards. It will be lots of fun, so we hope to see you there! Lions Pavilion is where the Greentree book fair is held, and is closest to the tennis courts off of Adams Avenue. There are maps available in the Gathering Space. Please RSVP to Yolanda at so we know the count for BBQ.  Thanks!

Living Creation - Sundays 9:30-10ish
Join us for an intergenerational, experiential Bible study on the creation story.  We’ll begin with a short reading and lesson, and then we’ll step into each creation day in a unique way.  On June 7, we’ll reflect on God the creator awakening.  Susan Marting, tai chi instructor, will lead us in simple tai chi exercises.  No experience necessary!  Come in clothes that are easy to move in; tai chi involves gentle movement.  This is for all ages!  We look forward to seeing you, and we hope you’ll support this new faith formation offering at Faith Des Peres.

Summer Sermon Series: “Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism”
In this series we’ll cover some of the hot-button issues of the day with a look at what the Bible does and does not say about them.  This series allows us to take the Bible seriously but not literally, and assumes God and the Bible can handle our intellectual pursuits.  Don’t check your brain at the door.

May 24            Creation and Evolution – Are They Incompatible?
May 31             Is Eve Really to Blame?
June 14            The Birds and Bees
June 28            Violence, Vengeance and Victory Oh My!
July 12              Edited Stories and Cover-Ups
August 9          Uppity Women Unite
August 16        Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up?
August 23        The Apostle Paul
August 30        Left Behind and Loving It
September 6    Now What?
